Advances on Alkali-activated Concrete
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resources and Built Infrastructure Management
Remote Sensing of Urban Green Space
Advancements in Urban Environmental Studies
New Thinking in GIScience
Breeding and Culture of Freshwater Ornamental Fish
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Advanced Technologies for Smart Agriculture
Fundamentals of Plant Pathology
Climate Change and Animal Health
Livestock Ration Formulation for Dairy Cattle and Buffalo
Predictive Analytics in Smart Agriculture
Avian Surgical Anatomy And Orthopedic Management, 2nd Edition
Exogenous Enzymes as Feed Additives in Ruminants
Gut Microbiota, Immunity, and Health in Production Animals
Smart Livestock Nutrition |
Brewing Sustainability in the Coffee and Tea Industries |
Halal and Kosher Food |
AI for Educators |
Big Data in Small Slices |
Cooking through Histor |
Food Cultures of France |
Food Cultures of Israel |
Food Cultures of Japan |
Food Cultures of Mexico |
Food Cultures of the United States |
Food and Beverage Management |
Food and Beverage Production |
Nutrition Guide for Physicians and Related Healthcare Professions |
Gastronomy for Tourism Development : Potential of the Western Balkans |
Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Aquaculture |
Nutraceuticals: Food Applications and Health Benefits |
Sperm Morphology of Domestic Animals |
Farm Animal Anesthesia : Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs |
Animal Welfare : Understanding Sentient Minds and Why It Matters |
Gastronomy, Hospitality, and the Future of the Restaurant Industry : Post-COVID-19 Perspectives |

Moral Awareness and Animal Welfare |
Antibiotic Alternatives in Poultry and Fish Feed |
Atlas of Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging |
Guide to Ruminant Anatomy : Dissection and Clinical Aspects |
One Health for Veterinary Nurses and Technicians : An Introduction |
Canine and Feline Behavior for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses |
Advanced Remote Sensing for Urban and Landscape Ecology |
Pre and Probiotics for Poultry Gut Health |
Small Animal Microbiomes and Nutrition |
Applied Veterinary Clinical Nutrition |
Smart Farming Technologies to Attain Food and Nutrition Security |